Hydrogen Fuel Solutions
Hydrogen can be produced from various renewable sources, such as wind, solar, or biomethane, advancing long-term promise for a sustainable and diverse fuel supply.
Unlocking the Future of Rail Transportation with Hydrogen Power
Welcome to the forefront of sustainable rail operations. OptiFuel is leading the charge in revolutionizing locomotive propulsion by harnessing the power of hydrogen in switcher locomotives.

Repower your switcher fleet with these compelling benefits:
Zero Emissions, Cleaner Air. Hydrogen-powered locomotives emit only water vapor, eliminating harmful pollutants and contributing to cleaner air in urban and industrial areas. OptiFuel’s commitment to zero-emission solutions aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and reduce the environmental footprint of transportation.
Latest News
Railway Age – Looking Beyond Diesel
Check out this article just published in Railway Age: Looking Beyond Diesel and see how OptiFuel Systems is developing alternative fuel technologies that can accommodate the varying needs of short line operations.
2025 OptiFuel Switcher Locomotive Brochure
Click the button below to download OptiFuel's 2025 Total-Zero™ Locomotives Brochure to learn more about: OptiFuel's fuel-efficient, reliable, FRA concurrent equipment for a...
Two New CRISI Awards Worth $26,155,673 Will Fast Track Full Production of OptiFuel’s Zero Emission Diesel-RNG Dual Fuel Hybrid Switchers by 2026 and OptiFuel’s “No Tender” Line Haul Locomotives by 2028
Two new CRISI awards to Colorado State University Pueblo and the University of Delaware will fast-track FRA Concurrence for OptiFuel Total-Zero™ Diesel-RNG Dual Fuel Hybrid Switchers and Line Haul Locomotives to 2026 and 2027, respectively.