BEAUFORT, SC – July 12, 2022 – OptiFuel Systems (“OptiFuel”), a decarbonization solutions provider of products and systems for eliminating emissions in the rail, marine, and...

BEAUFORT, SC – July 12, 2022 – OptiFuel Systems (“OptiFuel”), a decarbonization solutions provider of products and systems for eliminating emissions in the rail, marine, and...
Can Provide New or Repowered Locomotives From 44 ft. to 68 ft Frame Length and Up to 2,200 Diesel Gallon Equivalents (DGE) of RNG for 7 to 10 Days from a Mobile Refueler or...
40% of the U.S. Population in Urban and Environmental Justice Communities Will Directly Benefit from Zero Criteria Pollutants and CO2 Emissions, While Railroads...
BEAUFORT, SC, February 14, 2020 – OptiFuel Systems, LLC, recently secured U.S. EPA, Tier 4 Rail Certification for the first ever rail internal combustion engine to emit 0.00...
OptiFuel Systems, LLC Has Shipped Tier IV Dual Fuel Natural Gas Powered Locomotive Engines, CNG Onboard Storage Systems, and CNG Trackside Refueling Components to Indiana...
Moving to zero emissions presents a unique challenge. Join OptiFuel CEO Scott Myers and a panel of rail industry experts for a free webinar to better understand the transition and how it directly relates to your operations.
Fill out the form below to start a conversation with OptiFuel about how the CRISI Grant can benefit you.