Meet Our Team

Scott Zepp

Chief Advisor – Refueling Infrastructure & Operations


An early energy transition trailblazer with deep knowledge across the spectrum of alternative fuels, including CNG, RNG, LNG, LPG (propane), and hydrogen, Scott has led the industry in many firsts. These include multi-access CNG fueling facilities for vehicle fueling and bulk fueling for transportable pipeline trailer filling, small- and large-scale LNG/LCNG fueling facilities, and the development of the first CNG locomotive fueling facility.

Scott brings over 30 years of hands-on experience in fuel station design, construction, management, operations, and maintenance, with a project portfolio that spans 50+ public/private access CNG fueling facilities, multiple large capacity CNG bulk fueling facilities for transportable pipeline projects, garage modification programs, and support for multiple public access hydrogen fueling stations. In addition, his background includes a wide range of natural gas utility projects, including pipelines, peak shaving facilities, LNG baseload facilities, and domestic and international metering/regulating facilities.

Scott is a founding member and advisory board member for the Granite State Clean Cities Coalition and a founding member of the Massachusetts Clean Cities Coalition. He is the Committee Chairman of the PEI (Petroleum Equipment Institute) – RP1600 – Liquefied Natural Gas/Liquefied Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fueling Facilities Recommended Practices and a Committee Member for the PEI – RP 1500 CNG Vehicle Fueling Facilities Recommended Practices.